art and philosophy exploration | the language of trust
THE LANGUAGE OF TRUST is a continuous collaboratiave research between an artist (Dorit Weintal) and a philosopher (Renate Schepen).
It is developed in several steps through different contexts and places, primarily in the Netherlands.
The starting point was the pilot of the multidisciplinary art project TRUST, with artists living in the Netherlands: immigrants, refugees, asylum seekers. (2019 - 2020). The pilot culminated in the TRUST event.
The TRUST project inspired the writing of the book IN BETWEENNESS, an encounter between an artist and a philosopher motivated by the global migration phenomenon of displaced people, where we explored specifically how multidisciplinary art and dance can engage with the world migration phenomenon of displaced people. And how our dialogue, composed of reflections, investigations, and interpretations, is an example of what is possible when artistic activity and committed thinking approach one another with a desire to communicate and to explore alternatives.
In our masterclass about the language of trust we explored how we can develop an attitude of trust. We learnt how to walk when there is no ground (to keep going in uncertain situations) and how to support another in times of difficulty due to unforeseen circumstances. At De Vrijwilligersacademie Amsterdam (March 2021).
The language of trust art-philosophy workshop series, at De Vrijwilligersacademie Amsterdam
ART - BODY - CONTECT | A week at ISVW | May 2024